Are There Scorpions In Florida?

Scorpions have been on Earth for a long time. They are a subject of both fascination and fear. They have a distinctive body that sets them apart from other pests and a curved tail. Scorpions are mostly associated with deserts and far-off exotic locations. 

While it may seem unlikely to find scorpions in Florida, they are found there. Some of them are also considered to be the most dangerous pests. Their venom has the capacity to attack your nervous system and cause allergic reactions and sometimes permanent conditions. 

If you are from Florida and want to protect yourself from these arachnids, it is important to be aware of their behavior, areas where they are found, and preventative measures. If you see them in the house, call Avata Pest Control without a second thought. 

Are scorpions found in Florida?

Surprisingly, yes! Even though Florida is not the typical habitat of scorpions, it does provide a hot and humid climate, along with a diverse ecosystem. These conditions are enough for various species of scorpions to call Florida their home. 

While you might not see them very often as you would in a desert, you can spot them in certain parts of the state. They primarily frequent the state’s central and southern regions. They are also found in Northern Florida but in lower numbers. 

The most common scorpion species in Florida 

There are various scorpion species around the world, but only three of them are found frequently in Florida. It is important that homeowners know about them and what they look like so they can take the right measures when necessary. 

The Florida Bark Scorpion 

This species is also referred to as the slender brown scorpion or the brown bark scorpion. They are most commonly found and largely populated in Florida. They have a brown body with light-colored legs and yellow stripes. While they mostly eat spiders and termites, they can sometimes be found inside your home. 

The Florida bark scorpion has quite a painful sting, but luckily, it is not deadly. Even then, these eight-legged creepy crawlies can create a nuisance in the house. If you find one, do not attempt to handle it on your own. Killing one usually does not work, as there may be more hiding somewhere. Call expert services for effective control. 

Hentz Striped Scorpion 

While the bark scorpion may scare you, they are not after humans. They are natural predators of the Hentz striped scorpion. They have a brown body with dark brown stripes. Interestingly, female scorpions of this species are three inches long, while the male is only two inches. You can differentiate the female from the male by a mini tail on their actual tail. 

Hentz striped scorpions are mostly active during the nighttime and mainly target other scorpions and spiders. They can be found near moist environments, including ponds and streams. Make sure you do not have any leaky pipes to avoid attracting them. 

Even though the Hentz striped scorpions appear aggressive, they will only attack you if threatened. Therefore, a precise method is required to eradicate them. 

Southern Devil Scorpion 

Southern devil scorpions have a reddish-brown body and are barely 1.5 inches long. However, their short size can be deceptive. They have thick pincers, a wide tail, and a big stinger.  A southern devil scorpion sting can be excruciating. They love to hide under rocks, in woodpiles, and in leaf litter. Their shelter can sometimes be your home. 

Get rid of scorpions!

Whether dangerous to humans or not, you do not have to share your home with these vicious, stinging pests. To keep these devilish scorpions at bay, get professional pest control without question. Even if they do not appear in large numbers, they pose a threat, especially if you have small children and pets. Hire a pest control team today!