Does Your Oak Brook Business Need Catch Basin Services?

When it comes to servicing your parking lot, EnRoads Paving works with top-of-the-line paving contractors in Oak Brook, IL, who are here to help you maintain your parking lot and ensure you keep it as clean as possible. If you see standing water around your parking lot, that is a sign to call for maintenance assistance. You do not want to try and handle it because you may not know where the water is coming from or how long it has been there. It is around for many reasons, and it is not always just because it rained.

Water can be tricky, and if you are unfamiliar with catch basins, it can seem like a random issue. However, Paving professionals are well aware of flooding and the many reasons why you should be prepared for unwanted water flowing through your parking lot. You never know where it can lead, and you want to ensure you know about it before someone gets hurt.

You should always be able to be open and honest with your employees about what is going on and why you have help at your business. We are here for you and want to ensure everyone knows the importance of why water should not be free-flowing around the parking lot. Yes, it happens if it rains, but being caught up is not normal, and you should be aware when it happens.


Less Water, Better Parking

Whether your parking lot is made of concrete or asphalt, water is not your friend. Excessive water of any amount can lead to improper drainage, sinkholes, and damage to the structure of your parking lot overall. Learning the proper way to maintain your parking lot catch basin is the best way to ensure your parking lot’s safety and keep water where it belongs. You will start to notice the small things once we bring them to your attention. It is essential to be able to keep an eye on something that could harm you or the customers around your business.

Any type of flooding or water in a parking lot can cause an issue because you never know where the water is coming from and how much of a build-up it may cause. Depending on the type of weather, water can freeze, stick to your parking lots and cause safety hazards if it is not draining correctly. You do not want ice to impact the parking lot because that can become a whole other issue. That is why you want to avoid water altogether and be sure to be on top of it when it first arises. Most of the time, if you do not notice the water, someone will tell you if it has become an issue, and you can handle it right away. Water is very noticeable, and when flooding, it will be evident to anyone driving.

The structure of your parking lot is one of the main things you should consider EnRoads Paving to advise you on this. We can help you decide on concrete or asphalt. Depending on where your business stands, how much space you have, and where your business is located. Everything is essential, but your structure should come first. You should know about your company’s needs and the needs it has both inside and outside to ensure you cover everything.


Catch Basin Maintenance

Understanding how to maintain your catch basin is crucial so you can keep control over the drainage of your parking lot. If you are unsure how to handle a catch basin, our Paving contractors in Oak Brook, IL, can help guide you through the process and ensure you know all the details. Repairs may include partial rebuilds or a full replacement – depending on what type of budget you are working with. We know everyone has things they have knowledge about, but it is essential to be able to ask for help.

We do not expect you to have all the knowledge about a catch basin because it is one of those things that gets put into your system and maintained by us. Our professionals will help you understand what it does and why it is essential to your parking lot. The catch basin is not something well known, and most companies may not even realize they have one until there is water flowing from a random place into their parking lot. Let the professionals step in and handle the situation to ensure everything is ok.

Paving Contractors in Oak Brook, IL, With the Best Advice

When you realize you need help from professionals, reach out to EnRoads Paving, we are here and ready to help. Our Paving contractors have the advice you are looking for and want to ensure your parking lot does not flood. Your safety and the safety of your customers are important to us! We know it can seem silly when it is just a flood in the parking lot, but you never know what is causing the flood. It is always better to put the safety of your customers first! If you notice water, give us a call or check us out at to ensure you have all the details we can provide you about catch basins and water damage.

Let us come take a look and give you a piece of mind that everything is ok with your business so you can return to business as usual. You will feel better, and your customers will know you care because you took the time to look into the flood outside. Most companies just focus on the inside of their business. However, when you go the extra mile and focus on your customer’s safety, they notice! Everything you do for your business is vital, and taking the time to focus on the outside aspects is just as important as keeping the inside running smoothly too.

EnRoads Paving professionals are here to help you keep your business’s parking lot well maintained so that it is the first thing your customers see, and they are impressed before they even walk in the door. It can change their whole perspective and give them a positive attitude no matter how they may have felt when they left the house. You want them to feel good about your business, and if something goes wrong from their car to the door, it could change their experience of your business altogether. Our experts can help you, help them have a better experience with a smooth, shiny parking lot! Let’s keep it safe for everyone every time they drive by your business.